Sunday, April 28, 2013

Welcome to AutomoZeal!

     This blog is a continuation of a project that was started on Facebook, where I would make near daily posts about various vehicles spotted while out and about.  I'm not a car expert, nor do I have any type of official certification in the automobile industry.  My educational background includes a BFA and MFA in fine art, and some experience selling cars, so take my opinion for whatever you feel it's worth.  I'm just a gal who loves cars, and likes to share my enthusiasm for them with others.
     A lot of my friends are not really car people, so I will sometimes break things down to basic nuts and bolts, or simplify things in order to keep info flowing.  I'm not meaning to talk down to car aficionados who already know much of this, but rather to shine a spotlight on some things that piqued my interest.  I live and work in Minneapolis, MN, and most of what you'll see here is stuff I've spotted while roaming locally.  At present time, I drive a Legend Lime Mustang GT, but also have a MGB GT. You'll often notice the Mustang in the background of photos I've posted, as it is my trusty car-spotting steed, but it does like to photo-bomb my shots.  Now that introductions are out of the way, let's get this show on the road!

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